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Protected by Angels Page 3
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Page 3
John took some behind-the-scenes shots with the room full of lighting and wires – it was certainly a lot of fun! After the inside shots we posed in the garden before all piling into two cars and hitting the local woods. By this time the sunlight was streaming through the trees and they filtered the light magically. We did some shots of us both looking up into the air – we captioned them ‘looking for faeries’ (we didn’t find any) as they looked so ethereal! One of these shots is posted on my website. I have a strapless dress on but in the photograph you can only see my bare shoulders – my daughter rang me indignant, ‘Mum! You look like you aren’t wearing any clothes!’ she said. It did make me laugh!
After four hours of posing we were both exhausted but luckily John pulled together a lovely stir-fry for tea. I felt so tired I could barely lift my fork and for the first time really admired the work done by professional models who can keep going all day! My sister Madeline stayed overnight because the following day we had someone coming to film a video of the two of us together. This was to promote another book we had written together. The actual filming took less than an hour, although we’d each taken well over an hour to get ready!
I adore writing but when you first start you never really think about the work that goes on behind the scenes. Photographs, promotions, book-signings, interviews, radio and TV appearances, talks, workshops and building websites… luckily I love it all!
Talking of book-signing… I had a wonderful time at Walter Henry’s Bookshop in Bideford, Devon. I meet such lovely people at these events, and then afterwards we stayed in a lovely B&B. It was like a mini-holiday. The room at our B&B was lovely, really beautiful and on the ground floor of the property – a large, light room with patio doors that led right out into the garden.
To get to our room we had to pass through a room that held a full-sized snooker table. In the middle of the night I was awoken by the very loud sound of snooker balls being hit by a cue. It was really noisy yet, when we went to peek, there was no one in the room, the lights were off and the cover was on the table! I rushed back into bed, but the sound of cue on ball went on for about 4 minutes… it was really spooky!
The next morning I mentioned it to the owners, who nodded sympathetically. Apparently when they had first moved into the house they were awoken by the noise, too, and had come downstairs prepared to tell their young boys to get back into bed and stop playing snooker. Like me, when they got into the room they found it empty, the cover tied securely over the table… and the boys fast asleep in bed!
The most exciting thing that happened to me this year is that I became a grandmother for the first time. My eldest daughter gave birth to a beautiful little girl on 1 January 2011… a very magical date indeed. I can’t tell you her name, I’m afraid (it’s a secret!), but I can tell you that she has big beautiful eyes and laughs all the time. I can’t wait until she can talk… I wonder if she remembers her past lives or has any words of wisdom for us? These youngsters are so special; all of them are precious miracles. You know of course that I’ll let you know if there is anything mystical to report!
Part 2
All About Angels
‘Angels are spirits, but it is not because they are spirits that they are Angels.
They become Angels when they are sent.
For the name Angel refers to their office, not their nature.
You ask the name of this nature, it is spirit; you ask its office, is that of an Angel, which is a messenger.’
St Augustine
Your Questions Answered
‘Angels don’t worry about you… They believe in you.’
So here you go, let’s investigate everything ‘angel’; the who, what, when and why of guardian angels! This is for everyone who is new to the subject and those of you who’ve been studying the phenomenon for many years. I know you’ll discover just a little bit more about our celestial friends here.
Over the years I’ve created many books on angels and full of angel stories (more about these at the end of the book). The questions people ask me about their angels have evolved, and in some cases become very sophisticated, indicating the increased interest in and knowledge of all things spiritual. I thought it would be wonderful to invite my social networking group (on Facebook) to ask me their own angel question so that I could answer them here for you.
They have come up with questions I would never have thought of, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed answering them.
What Does the Word ‘Angel’ Mean, and Will Angels Accompany Jesus When He Returns?
Let’s start at the very beginning. The word ‘angel’ means messenger. They are attendants or guardians of God (Creator); spiritual beings but not souls. Angels are beings of light. They are mentioned in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles and also the Koran. Other religious texts will use the word ‘angel’ (or its translation) to mean a spiritual being. Angels are intermediaries between God and humankind (a sort of ‘middle man’ in human terms!).
The word ‘angel’ can sometimes be used to refer to a human messenger, although in modern-day language this would more likely be a deceased human being. ‘Angel’ is sometimes used to describe any spiritual entity and also human beings who are angelic (spiritual, loving people, those who help others as an angel might). According to Aristotle, angels are ‘pure contingent spirits’.
The second part of the question here is harder to answer. It means we assume or believe in the Second Coming of Jesus. As Jesus is the Son of God, and God is, for me, another word for our Creator, the answer is with God’s will or with God’s choosing. I have refrained from using ‘him or her’ to refer to God, as God is a creating energy rather than a human with gender (neither male nor female).
Where Does the Name ‘Angel’ Come from?
In Latin we use the word angelus, and Greek angelos; the English word ‘angel’ is believed to be a blending of the Old English/Germanic word engel and the Old French word angele.
Does Everyone Have a Guardian Angel? Do We Have More than One Guardian Angel?
They have! Some of us, depending on our life’s work, will have many angels working with us and watching over us. Angels are always with us, waiting to be called upon to assist us, care for us, guide and guard us.
Do They Choose Whom to Watch Over?
Angels are assigned to us rather than choosing us. Humans have free will (freedom of choice) but angels haven’t. Their ‘will’ is the will of God.
Are They Related to Us?
Not if you are using the term ‘angel’ in the traditional sense to mean messenger of God. Deceased loved ones (relatives and friends who have passed over) do also watch over us (if they choose to) and sometimes they refer to themselves as our ‘guardian angels’. By this they mean that if we feel sad or lonely they are aware of this and draw close to us on the Earth side. Many humans now feel, hear and sense their deceased loved ones – I’ve written about many hundreds of cases relating to this phenomenon.
Do We Have the Same Guardian Angel throughout All Our Incarnations?
Again, this depends on the will of God. These things are decided upon by a Council of Elders, or Divine Council, before we are incarnated on Earth. So again, the answer is yes and no because this same group usually follow all of our lives, but sometimes (depending on the life and its challenges) we would have other angels come in to assist us: ‘specialist angels’ with specialist skills; in the same way that on Earth if you wanted to learn a foreign language you would seek out a teacher with this skill (of course these talents are varied in the same way that they would be on Earth. The teacher you seek to learn a language from will most likely be different from the one who teaches you to play the violin or to surf!).
Does Anyone Share an Angel?
Sometimes, and especially if we and another have similar interests. Angels can be brought in to teach groups or watch over several people at the same time when they are together
on a particular pursuit.
Where Do Our Angels Go? Do They Sit on a Cloud All Day Playing Harps?
Only on greetings cards! Angels don’t ‘go’ anywhere, they just ‘are’. Time does not exist as an issue for angels because only on Earth do we work with ‘time’ in a line (with a beginning, middle and end). Everywhere else, everything exists as ‘now’. (Complicated? Yes, I know! But to be fair the answer to this question would probably take a whole book on its own!)
Do Angels Hold Human Form and Walk Among Us?
They can do, but they usually don’t. Angels exist on a finer vibration than humans. Think of a cloud or the steam from a kettle – now think finer than that. It’s challenging for them to hold human form, but in emergencies they can do so for the briefest time.
Humans have witnessed angels on many occasions. They usually appear in times of great need. As humans we are more likely to see an angel in a human form while we are in an ‘altered state’ of consciousness (asleep or meditating, for example). Angels can sometimes manifest during illnesses or accidents – they can seem to appear and disappear in an instant.
Do They Connect with Us in Different Ways
Depending on What ‘Clair’ Is Strongest?
I understand by this that the reader is referring to the psychic skills clairvoyance (the psychic skill of clear-seeing), clairsentience (clear-sensing), clairaudience (clear-hearing), etc. Yes, they do connect to humans in many different ways. I will list some of these later on in the book.
Can Humans Become Angels?
Well, not normally (in the traditional sense of the use of the word ‘angel’), but if you mean do our deceased loved ones watch over us a little like angels do, then the answer is a definite YES! They can and they do.
In times of trouble or danger, people occasionally hear the voice of a deceased loved one calling out to them in warning. Magic, isn’t it?
Do Angels Have Feet or Do They Disappear in Mist or a Cloud?
This is a really interesting question. Angels don’t have bodies in the way that humans have. They are actually beings of light, etheric beings (fine and airy) and only show themselves with ‘bodies’ for the comfort of others. Therefore if they appear, they manifest whatever is needed for us to recognize them (the ‘feet’ might not be necessary!), which is why not every part of the body is always seen.
How Do Angels Take Care of Their Wings?
(Especially when they leave so many of their feathers on the ground to say they called?)
This question follows on beautifully from the last one. Angels sometimes appear to humans with wings and halos (or bright auras of light) around them. They are light beings – and don’t have ‘real’ bodies in the way that we might understand them. So angels don’t actually have or need wings to fly; they manifest them so that we humans know they are angels.
I’ll answer the feather question later on.
Do Angels Stay with Us from the Day We Are Born?
When We Pass Over Does Our Guardian Angel Remain Our Guardian Angel or Do They Become a Newborn Baby’s Guardian Angel?
Yes, angels are usually with us even before we are born, and stay after we pass on. Many who go through a near-death experience actually get to meet their angels, who appear to collect them and take them heaven-side. You can meet your own guardian angel by following along with a guided meditation (details later in the book).
Ask your angel to appear to you in your own meditations, or maybe your angels will even pop into a dream if you ask nicely. Mine do occasionally – usually disguised but with a message. They don’t look like the ‘normal’ angels we think of, and certainly don’t appear with wings. In my dreams the angels appear as ‘bit parts’ in little plays, which they perform to teach me something. It’s only when I wake up I realize they were angels!
Do They Move On to Someone Else When We Die and They Have Helped Us to Cross Over?
Again, this depends really on whether we have a need for a guardian at that time. Angels can be in more than one place at one ‘time’ (human time) so if we need them, or we incarnate again, they can be with us again.
Is There Such a Thing as a Dark or Evil Angel?
The Bible talks about fallen angels, the angels that turned against God. These days the word ‘angel’ is used to describe a being of light mainly, the good and positive energies. If dark angels still exist we would probably use other words to describe them. Personally I have never come across any.
Since We Have Free Will, When Can Angels Intervene?
Angels prefer to be asked for their help – it’s easier for them if we give them permission. You don’t need to follow any complicated rituals (unless you want to or you enjoy that sort of thing).
In times of emergency it’s natural to call out for help (although often we don’t really know whom or what we are calling for). Angels can respond to this call for help and some of the more dramatic rescues and life-saving assistance seem to happen during these times of danger.
You can ask your angels for help with anything or at any time. Do remember, though, that as humans we have been given free will for a reason. It’s important that we try and work through our own problems so that we can learn and grow as souls. Why not ask your angel to help you to sort out a challenging situation rather than solve every problem for you? Empower yourself! If you need help then you can ask your angel to send someone to assist you to work out your problem.
Do We Have to Ask Directly?
You can ask in whatever way you feel comfortable. You may prefer to ask God directly to send an angel, or just ask your angels to watch over you and your family – a simple thing you can do every morning at breakfast. You can wear a piece of jewellery that represents your request (a pin or brooch in the shape of an angel, for example) or write your request down in a little notebook. Just do whatever works for you rather than worrying too much about doing it right. If your intent is pure then the message will be received.
…Or Will They Just Come Along to Help Us If We Really Need Them?
Yes, in emergencies they are always with us, but it doesn’t hurt to ask them to intervene just the same. Angels come up with all sorts of ingenious solutions! They are very resourceful.
How Do They Work with Us So They Don’t Affect Our Karma?
Angels are never meant to affect our karma. The concept of karma originates from Buddhism and Brahmin orthodoxy, but the idea of karma appears as part of other religions, too (even if the word karma itself isn’t used). Karma relates to moral behaviour, and although the exact meaning varies slightly from religion to religion, karma refers to our behaviour as part of the circle of life, cause and effect.
We live to learn lessons in the school of life. During our time ‘in class’ we have to take care not to harm or hurt others, as doing so builds negative karma, which we have to repay in either this life or the next. This is a very simplistic explanation, of course! To build good karma we work to help others.
In each life on Earth we plan lessons; difficult times sometimes teach us more than easy times. Each problem we overcome or situation we work through creates a ‘learning’ for the soul. If angels intervene too much (i.e. solve our every little problem) as humans we would learn nothing!
Yet humans sometimes feel overwhelmed by their life challenges – even if we don’t believe we have created them on some level! Angels can certainly ease the burden by walking beside us, as a really good friend would do. Angels can be an ear to listen and a hand to hold. There is no karma issue with that now, is there?
Can a Guardian Angel Ever Become an Archangel?
This is another ‘with God’s will’ question, but I don’t see why they would; although I’d never say never!
Can a Master Ever Become an Angel?
An ‘ascended master’ is a spiritually enlightened being who has evolved from a normal human soul. Jesus is said to be an ascended master. Others you may have heard of include Sanat Kumara, the Buddha, Maitreya, Confucius, Mary (mother of Jesus), Kwa
n Yin, St Germain, Kuthumi and others. If God chooses they could become angels, but it seems unlikely that a human soul would transfer (normally) to an angelic being. We have our own spiritual path to follow.
How Do I Get My Loved Ones and My Guardian Angel to Come Around Me When I Need Them Most?
The answer is that your angel is always around you. If you want a sign that they are close, then do ask for one – then stay alert. Angels bring many signs, and later on in the next chapter I will discuss some of these in more detail.
Why Don’t Angels Appear to Everyone? Why Can Only Some People Feel Them and See Them?
Most people don’t see angels – not when they are conscious, anyway. It’s really related to the human body’s limited ability to perceive them. Our eyes just can’t see that range of light. Angels communicate in whatever way they can, and this will mainly be through signs, touch (the sensation of someone holding your hand or laying a comforting hand upon your shoulder), or by bringing help to you or helping to solve a problem in a ‘miraculous’ way. (See the next chapter for more on this.)
What Do Angels Look Like?
They can appear in whatever way they wish, but most people, on the very rare occasions that they do see angels manifest, tell me they appear as human-type figures without gender (nether male nor female), usually draped in some sort of cloth (a wrap) as clothing, surrounded by bright light. They can appear with or without wings. It is usual for them to be very tall, but sometimes they appear at human height.
Signs from Above
‘Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you.’