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Page 9

  There are lots of things you can be working on (with the help of your loved ones on the other side, of course) to help raise your own vibration at this time. I’ve mentioned some of these earlier in the book, but let’s have a little closer look here.


  To become lighter spiritually, look at your diet. Foods we have been able to eat our whole lives seem to be causing problems in our bodies now.

  Best Foods

  Eat: fresh foods, non-processed foods, organic produce, salad, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts (if you’re not allergic, of course), oily fish, olive oil and other healthy oils – read labels! Eat more raw vegetables. Look at sprouting beans (alfalfa, for example – preferably sprout your own so you know they are fresh). Drink plenty of water.

  OK/Good Foods

  Dairy: if you must have milk consider skimmed, and goat’s milk seems easier to digest. If you must have cheese, look for low-fat options. Eggs are OK. Frozen vegetables, canned vegetables, fruit juices, chicken. Starchy vegetables (like potatoes), rice, whole grains. Eat all of these foods in moderation/smaller portions than you have done up until now.

  Worst ‘Foods’

  Eat fewer processed foods, less salt, sugar, artificially enhanced anything, sugary drinks and snacks, fatty foods, red meat, rich sauces, cream, caffeine, sugar substitutes, alcohol. Try to give up or cut back on cigarettes. And did you know that scientists in Boston discovered that drinking one or more sodas (regular or diet) every day doubles your risk of metabolic syndrome?

  Deep down inside you know all this stuff already. The best part of looking after yourself in this way is that your skin glows, your weight stabilizes and you’ll have more energy. You’ll also feel more energetic and just have a better feeling of well-being. Don’t change everything at once, though, cut out one thing at a time. Giving up sugar is a challenge, especially if, like me, you are addicted to chocolate. You will continue to have cravings for a while. Some people report annoying side-effects like headaches, but not everyone experiences these and in any case they pass off quite quickly. Just take your time and also take advice from your doctor or dietician.

  Spend a few minutes honouring your food before you eat. It was traditional at one point to ‘say grace’, thanking God for the food before it was eaten. Native Americans give thanks to the animal for the clothing and food its body provides. This is a great practice and we should be working along these lines each and every time we eat something. Spend a few moments giving thanks to your food for the nourishment it provides you. Imagine the life-force energizing your body as you eat.

  Water is especially important to keep you hydrated. How many times do we take a painkiller because we have a headache when a glass of water would clear the source of the problem? Dehydration causes so many issues! Make sure you keep a glass or bottle of water handy while you work, and sip gently throughout the day. Don’t forget to bless the water first of all – you can also follow this little ritual: hold the flat palm of your right hand (left if you are left-handed) over the top of the water (or food). Draw a spiral over the top, first in one direction and then the other. You can imagine the spiral-drawing in your head if you wish, but by doing it physically others will see and ask you about it – spread the word!

  Take time when eating your food, don’t rush. Enjoy each mouthful, savour it. Don’t eat foods you really don’t like or really aren’t enjoying – it’s like adding emotional poison to your body! You deserve the best, the freshest and the healthiest foods for the preservation of your body and mind.


  If you don’t love – or at least like – the work that you do, then consider looking for more enjoyable work. If money is an issue, then consider how you can spend less money each month. Do you really need all the latest electronic equipment, fancy holidays, two family cars, etc.? Could you move out of the city and into a cheaper area in the country? Could you rent out a spare room to save or make money? Remember also that if you unplug everything at the sockets when not in use you save on electricity.

  We become stuck in a rut of self-made hardship because of habits we create for ourselves. Sit down with a friend for an objective view of how you could realistically change your lifestyle. The aim is to have less stress in your life and create more time and money to do the things that you love. Can you retrain for work that would bring you pleasure? Ask yourself, what would I be doing if I could do anything right now? What would I be doing for me, for fun? Use this as a clue to looking at new career opportunities.

  Often when we move into work we love, we find our income goes up – but it doesn’t have to. Look at ways you can change your life for the better – ask your angels and deceased loved ones to support you and help bring opportunities into your life for self-fulfilment. Live a more positive life if you can – try and let go of negative thoughts and attitudes for a happier life. Often the things that we worry about the most aren’t important at all. Living with less stress can even lengthen your life.

  Leslie Martin PhD, co-author of the book The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight Decade Study, says ‘What we actually found [during the project] was that the conscientious individuals, because they were on top of things and they were organized and responsible, they had a lot of opportunities that came their way and so they really often lived quite exciting and enjoyable lives.’ And of contented people she said, ‘[They] have better health behaviours… they tended to gravitate into more stable jobs, into stable marriages, and so on.’

  Just one more thing to bear in mind: Science Daily released an article in March 2011 that stated, ‘A review of more than 160 studies of human and animal subjects has found “clear and compelling evidence” that, all else being equal, happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers.’


  Because of the other changes to the planet, we are being permitted more interaction with our loved ones in other dimensions – this is no new age make-believe, this is real. You may even have experienced contact yourself, either consciously or semi-consciously. As you read about the phenomena you are becoming more aware and less frightened. If you are less scared, you are more likely to experience the wonders of contact from heaven yourself. Knowledge literally is power.

  Sometimes these beings give us little tips about our health, as well as warnings. Shelly’s angel gave her a full diagnosis!

  ‘I was being investigated for cancer/leukaemia… my guide Argus told me that I had fibromyalgia, as I got stroppy with spirit and told them that if they thought they were going to take me then they had a fight on their hands. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, just as my fantastic guide said.’ – SHELLY

  I once woke up to a voice that told me, ‘Eat pomegranates.’ Was this a message from beyond? There certainly wasn’t anyone else in the house at the time. Sadly I can’t stand this fruit, but I did try the juice, which was OK. I looked up the properties of the fruit on the Internet and was amazed to discover, ‘The pomegranate is regarded as a type of food medicine.’ The tree roots, the bark, the leaves, flowers, rind and seeds have featured in medicines for thousands of years! In ancient India it was described as a light food and a tonic for the heart! I wish I loved it! In biblical times pomegranate was considered a gift from the gods. It’s a rich source of vitamins A, C and E, all three key antioxidants that help prevent heart disease and cancers. I did increase my vitamins in these particular areas at least.

  Have you ever been given dietary advice from a spirit or angel?

  ‘I wondered why I wasn’t feeling too well, and then my guardian angel told me to drink more water. They also suggested I add lemon juice to salad. I make massage oils and I was drawn to lemon in this, too; when I read up on it, I was amazed that it had all the things I was lacking in.

  ‘Since taking notice of my angels, I feel so lovely now. We really must take
note of this amazing advice from above, or should I say from “around”, as I believe angels are around us all the time, guiding us on our path.’ – AMANDA

  Here is another example, this time from a Facebook friend, Karen. The angels are busy with dietary advice, it seems.

  ‘Just recently John (my guide) advised me to eat cherries, and I can’t seem to go shopping without buying some. I have never really been that keen, but for some reason I’m finding them delicious and can’t get enough of them. Normally I would go for strawberries or bananas if I was to have fruit. I have arthritis developing in my knees and hands, and it’s been in my neck and spine for a while. A couple of weeks ago, after he started me on cherries, I found out they are good for arthritis!’ – KAREN


  Many beings, including our loved ones, are visiting us while we sleep. Sometimes you’ll recall some of these experiences, but other times you’ll remember very little. The information they are bringing is important but not necessary for us to remember at this time. Here’s an example of this phenomenon in action.

  ‘Last Friday my nan visited me in a dream. It’s frustrating because I couldn’t remember the message when I woke up. Then last night when my daughter and I got home we could both smell my nan’s perfume, which was comforting but I feel like she’s trying to send me a message and I’m not picking it up.’ – HANNAH

  Some of the information we are given comes as symbols (geometric shapes), each of which contains a whole stack of information. In the future as the planet changes this information will come forward and we’ll wonder how we know the things we know. The information was given to us while we slept… we’ll recall it at the appropriate time.

  We are so much more than we imagine. Our world can’t be explained easily by science, but that’s no one’s fault – there is just way more than science can even begin to explore at this time, though it has made a start. Don’t imagine that just because science can’t currently explain something, this means it isn’t true. It’s not so long since we thought the Earth was flat, but you know what? It never was! Keep an open mind about all things. Be ready for changes. It’s just a matter of time before the announcement that yes, of course there are beings on other worlds. We are not alone! There really is something out there… and there always was.

  Here is an important story that illustrates the type of communication that a few of my readers are starting to receive. These are awakening dreams where we are being reminded of our life purpose (all assuming our free will, of course!).

  ‘I was asleep in bed and I suddenly found myself falling. My guardian angel picked me up in his arms. I was nervous about looking at him but he asked me if I was ready to see him so I told him yes. He then put me down and I saw he had the most beautiful blue eyes and black curly hair. He told me his name was Egwelio.

  ‘My angel took my hand and told me he wanted to show me something. We sort of whooshed along the ground, and then I was in front of a large building. It looked like a theatre, or the Royal Horticultural Halls in London, where the Mind Body Spirit exhibitions are held.

  ‘He then pointed upwards and my name was up there on the boards. He said I had something very important to do and I would be very successful and well respected if I followed my guidance.

  ‘This time is sort of coming closer now, as I’ve since had other messages that I will bring a new healing system to the planet for the new energies that are coming in. They’ll recalibrate people’s energy fields and change and reactivate their DNA strands.’ – LYNN

  What an amazing experience! I feel lucky in that I have been aware of my ‘life mission’ for a while now. Reminding people of the angels was just the beginning, though, as my future holds teaching of more complicated concepts – but it’s going to be a fun ride. I hope you’ll join me!

  We’re also being contacted by beings from other realms and planets – some of these are actually our ‘home planet’! Sounds crazy? People always think that about things they don’t understand! Many from other places feel lonely – an intense loneliness that they just can’t get away from. Why do we feel this way even when surrounded by family and friends? I am lucky because my soul group all came with me this time round. Just know that life is eternal – we are born, we live, we change form as we leave to be reborn into spirit again. The people we have lived with on this Earth have been with us in previous lives, and will be with us again in future lives. Energy is never lost or destroyed… but it often changes form!


  Our planet is in crisis and for thousands of years we’ve been watched over by beings from other realms. The question is no longer ‘if’ they exist but ‘who are they?’! To deny the existence of other life forms is to be naïve in the extreme. According to one source, there are over 400 reputable UFO witnesses in the government, military and intelligence communities. Astronauts have reported seeing unidentified craft watching them since the very first space missions.

  As far back as 2001 (9 May to be exact), more than 20 people including government representatives, military and scientific witnesses took part in an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, to ascertain the reality of extra-terrestrial life. It included much first-hand testimony. The proof is now overwhelming. Extra-terrestrial life is real and these beings are visiting as they always have, to watch over humankind. Are they our angels? Sort of! Part of our free will is that we have been permitted to follow our own path, make our own decisions. Here is one reader’s experience.

  ‘I was sitting on my bed, talking to my brother on my mobile phone and at the same time I was looking out of the window… as you do. I remember it was a clear day, the sky was blue and I noticed a plane flying in the sky; to the left of the plane, there it was. “Oh my God…!” I shouted down the phone. “What’s that in the sky?” I paused and stared, hardly believing what I was seeing.

  ‘My brother on the other end of the line was trying to ask me, trying to speak to me, but I was fixated on this thing in the sky; I couldn’t hear him. “Oh my God… it’s a UFO” I shouted. My two sons came running up the stairs and looked out of the window. It was a golden sphere, flying parallel to the plane; we watched it for a while. It took off at the speed of light, much faster than the plane… so fast that I didn’t even see which direction it went.

  ‘After that I went to church as I normally did on a Sunday. I’d stopped off at a petrol station on the way to get petrol. When I got to the till I was asked, “Do you always put that in your car?” I said, “Yes,” puzzled to say the least, because it was such an odd thing to be asked. The woman behind the till, I remember, had the most piercing blue eyes, and blonde hair. She continued, “Only… we’ve been sent here this week to help you.”

  ‘I stood there and, as silly as it seems, I thought, “What are you, an alien or angel?” It all seemed to get very strange. The people in the town all seemed to be zoned out, like they were miles away.

  ‘But it was at night that it got even stranger. I woke up and it was dark; I was lying in bed, but I was paralysed and I couldn’t move anything except for my eyes. I had the feeling of being “scanned” by something that I couldn’t see; it felt like something was scanning my body. This happened to me quite a few times over the different nights. Was this my encounter of the third kind? Ironically, I’d had reoccurring UFO dreams as a child. Reliving these in reality as an adult, well… coincidence or not?’ – STELLA

  Part 3

  Your Real-life Angel Stories

  Lisa: ‘If you believe in angels then why not unicorns or leprechauns?’

  Kent Brockman: ‘Oh Lisa, everyone knows leprechauns are extinct.’

  From The Simpsons episode ‘Lisa the Skeptic’ (1997)

  Stories of Visitations

  ‘Thou hast granted me life and favour, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.’

  BOOK OF JOB 10:12

  A visitation, in the way I am using it here, is a
real visit from a spirit or angel that occurs during our sleeping hours… although sometimes also when we are awake. For each person who experiences this there is no doubt as to its truth, as the experience leaves a lasting impression that bears little in common with dreams. Your loved one or angel appears to you while your body is asleep but your mind is awake and aware.

  The same themes tend to run through this kind of real spirit contact. You can look for these in your own visitation experiences. I have covered these signs in other books, but for clarity let’s go over the most common signs.

  During the experience you have awareness that you are not asleep.

  When encountering the deceased, it’s common to express confusion that they are alive and to say so, using words such as ‘Why are you here, aren’t you dead?’

  Human friends may be accompanied by an angel or spiritual type of guide throughout the experience (who also lets them know when it’s time to leave and go back to their own realm).

  The deceased will usually try to indicate to you by some measure that they are still alive, and how well and happy they are in their new heavenly home.

  They might show themselves as younger and healthier than they appeared at the point of their passing. Missing limbs are re-attached, diseased bodies are pure and free from any ailment, growths or masses.

  Messages are usually simple and speedy but normally have similar meanings:

  – I love you

  – I am safe and well

  – Stop worrying about me

  – I am healthy now (and whole)

  – I am still watching over you

  – I am proud of you