Protected by Angels Page 7
You may see beings/spirits or angels, but at all times you must remember that you are in charge of the meditation session. You can open your eyes to bring yourself back into the room and end your mystical experience. If you feel afraid you can also ask for your guardian angel to make themselves visible for protection. The Archangel Michael, with his flaming sword of protection, can also be called in to help banish any unwanted beings you see or sense during your meditation session! Try not to worry, though, as these things usually happen only with prolonged and regular meditation sessions.
Do investigate this type of phenomenon more if you get to the stage where you are meditating more than 20 minutes a day! Enjoy!
Angel cards are sold in packs of around 42–48 individual cards, usually beautifully illustrated and with wonderful angelic-inspired affirmations. Each pack is usually accompanied by a book of instructions (or ideas) on how to use the pack. I have designed and created my own beautiful Angel Secrets Cards (details at the back of the book) but many other angel teachers have styled their own so there are plenty to choose from. Many bookstores sell these, as well as new age stores and gift shops. You can also buy them online.
Angel cards are safe and easy to use, and a fantastic way of making angel contact. You can select one or two cards from the pack after shuffling them, or ask a question of your angels first of all before you pick your card. In time you will find your own way of using an angel pack and maybe create your own special rituals using candles, crystals and oils. Make angel cards something you use on a regular basis to tune in to your angelic communication more. Place a pack of angel cards in an open dish on a coffee table in your living room, or place a pack on a desk or by your bed and select one or two for guidance every day.
Where do the angels come from? We already know that angels are created by God, but each angel has its own specific role and duties. During the 4th or 5th century, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (also known as St Denis) created a list of angels and their heavenly positions or ‘orders’ in his book De Coelesti Hierarchia (The Celestial Hierarchy). In the Middle Ages others brought forward their own suggestions, often working from this original list or expanding it using their own ideas.
Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) used the New Testament as one of his references to create his list: an angelic triad with each level having three choirs (or orders) of angels. These spheres or hierarchies show the different levels of angels with the seraphim, cherubim and thrones being closest to God, and the angels (guardian angels), archangels and principalities (or princes) being closest to humankind.
First Sphere
1.1 Seraphim
1.2 Cherubim
1.3 Thrones
Second Sphere
2.1 Dominions
2.2 Virtues
2.3 Powers or Authorities
Third Sphere
3.1 Principalities or Rulers
3.2 Archangels
3.3 Angels
The higher-ranking angels are associated with being at God’s right hand. They work in praising God, and are the singing angels. The angels (and sometimes archangels) are mostly connected to Earth, and these are the angels you’ll be most connected to.
The Archangels
I’m sure you will be familiar with the names of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, even if you don’t know what they do. Michael and Gabriel are the only two angels mentioned by name in the New Testament, and along with Raphael are the ones we remember the most. The name ‘archangel’ comes from the Greek word archangělos and means chief angel, an angel of high rank.
Within the Roman Catholic Church the archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are celebrated with a special feast day called Michaelmas or the Feast of St Michael and All Angels (29 September); the Greek Orthodox honour the archangels with a special day, too (8 November).
Surprisingly, archangels are only mentioned twice in the New Testament; Michael is referenced in Jude 1:9 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16, where the ‘voice of an archangel’ will be heard at the return of Christ.
Seven archangels are usually listed in angel books (although I have found references to many others); these seven traditional angels are first found in the Book of Enoch, which lists Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel and Saraqael. Others in common use today include Ariel (sometimes confused with Uriel), Azrael, Chamuel, Haniel, Jeremiel (maybe a variation on Remiel), Jophiel, Metatron, Raziel, Sandalphon and Zadkiel. I feel sure these may be the angels that work closely with the Earth realm, which means other planets, etc. have their own archangels, too. No doubt this is just the ‘tip of the iceberg’!
If you wish to ask the archangels to work with you alongside your own guardian angels, then it’s OK to do so. Each of the archangels has specific tasks and roles – specialities if you like. The following table will help you to decide which archangel to call upon.
Archangel Name Meaning of the Name Role/Specialisms
Ariel Lion of God Nature, birds, animals, fish, fairy and nature kingdoms
Azrael Whom God Helps Angel of fishermen, spiritual blockages, assists souls on their journey to heaven
Chamuel He Who Sees God Protection and guardianship of the Earth, soulmates
Gabriel God Is My Strength Messenger angel, communication
Haniel Glory of God Women’s energies, the moon, psychic and mystical connections, magic
Jophiel Beauty of God Creative and manifesting angel, spiritual growth
Metatron Angel of the Presence Record-keeper, relationships, children, reading, recording of information
Michael He Who Is Like God Protection, money, the judger of souls… and all-round slayer of dragons!
Raphael God Heals Anything to do with health and healing, also the patron of travellers
Sandalphon Prince of Prayers Carries messages and prayers to heaven, watches over unborn children
Uriel Light or Fire of God Earth healing and manifestation
‘I ask Archangel Michael to watch over my house especially when I’m out or away from home… and then I say, “only if he’s not too busy elsewhere!”’ – KIRSTIE
As well as having the support of the angels and archangels, we also have the loving guidance of spirit guides. A spirit guide is a disincarnate spirit (a soul without body), usually invisible, whose primary role is to keep us to our Earth life contract. Before birth we agree or request that we have the opportunity of learning specific lessons for the soul. Earth is a wonderful school of learning! Your spirit guide carries your ‘earthly map and guide book’ for you, ensuring that you are in the right place at the right time and meet the correct people that you are meant to meet upon your life’s journey.
Like your guardian angel, your spirit guide may indicate a name to you – or you can ask for one to be given. If no name comes forward for you after a few days or so, then feel free to create one!
Listen for the messages of your guide. At first your angels, guides and deceased loved ones will all ‘feel’ the same to you, but in time you will learn to recognize the difference. Your guide may place a hand on your shoulder when you sense them close by, or maybe you’ll get a type of tingling in your body. Maybe your angel brings a sort of excitement or feeling of peace, and loved ones bring a familiar scent or feeling… maybe you even visualize them in your head at the moment of contact. Make notes of each experience so that you learn the difference between contacts.
Although we don’t need items decorated with angels in our homes, I love them. They always lift my spirits. Angels don’t need to be worshipped or prayed to, but it’s wonderful to include them in your angel rituals. A ritual is any sort of ceremony that includes a regular and recognized repetitive action. Lighting candles, saying magical words, using crystals, oils or herbs are all ways of creating a ritual.
Although you might prefer to have specific ways of comm
unicating with your guardian angel, to be honest in the end it just comes down to personal preference: what makes you feel good, and what seems to work for you.
An angel altar is really just a display of objects you have collected together for a specific purpose. Your angel ‘altar’ is just an arrangement of objects that have particular meanings for you and your angels – shells from the beach, angel figurines, flowers, etc. Why not have a go at creating your own displays? I have them all over the house, but my favourite is in my study. It’s an ever-changing arrangement of feathers, sparkly glasses (which I have hand-painted) in which I keep incense, candles and so on, angel figurines, smudge sticks (to cleanse the space in which I work), crystals and other magical items.
Candles are lit as a way of signifying ‘bringing in the light’, and of course angels are beings of light, so this is an important part of any angel ritual. Light the candle at the beginning of the session and then blow it out at the end as a ritualistic way of signifying the end of your ritual or working session.
Different coloured candles also have different meanings so you can create displays for a specific purpose, changing them each week if you want. Here are some candle colours and their traditional associations.
Colours Traditional Associations
Gold Protection, developing yourself spiritually, rituals relating to children
Silver Rituals relating to female issues (especially health), associated with the moon
Yellow Used for creative work and attraction
Red Passion, of course, but also willpower and strength
Blue Dreams, meditation and truth
Green Balance, fertility, employment and growth
Black Protection, removing all negativity
White White is for peace, calm and quiet but can be used in rituals to replace any other colour candle
Purple Developing psychic ability, anything magical
Pink Rituals relating to love
Lots of crystals are appropriate for working alongside your guardian angels, but some have traditional meanings that make them more useful. I use large clear quartz crystal clusters in my workshops, meditations and the rituals I do at home. Those clear points seem to positively sing with joy when I hold them. They are expensive but I’ve found them a worthwhile investment. Keep them clean and dust-free for best effect. Place on a rainbow lightbox for best effect, or stand them next to a candle so the colours twinkle! Try also the soft pink crystal rose quartz and magical amethyst. These are really easy to buy.
Angel Figurines
I have a vast selection of angel figurines. They’ve come from all over the place, and many are gifts. I especially love the plain creamy-white ones or those sprayed gold. Some of mine have even come from charity sales and cost very little indeed. Of course I also have some larger figurines that stand outside my house and in more prominent positions around my home. These often go on outings to my workshops and book-signings! Add one or two figurines to your displays.
Angel-decorated Objects
Over the years I’ve collected all sorts of angel memorabilia, and my displays usually incorporate a few things including angel cards (I have a vast collection), angel-wings trinket boxes (great to hold candles and smaller packs of angel cards and crystals), cherub figures which can sit on the sides of bowls, stand in plant pots or hug candles, an angel-decorated vase and an angel-decorated oil burner! Search out your own fun items and your collection can grow over the years, maybe with gifts from others – ask for them as birthday and Christmas presents.
Angel Books
The covers of some of my angel books are so pretty I often make them part of my display. You can stack your angel books in a pile on your altar or pick up a plate-stand to make them stand up! Place them at the back of your display and then put smaller items along the front.
Sparkly Shawls, Lacy Tablecloths
I have quite a selection and sometimes use scarves as tablecloths. Look out for lengths of glittery dress fabric at your local fabric shop, too. They can turn a cheap chipboard table into a rich-looking magical display. This is also the perfect time to use Grandma’s hand-crocheted lace tablecloth. What better way of incorporating her energy into your arrangement?
Natural Objects
No display is complete without making use of natural objects. Fresh flowers (or a flowering plant) are really important to bring life and energy to your collection. You can also bring in shells, driftwood (lovely wrapped in coloured ‘fairy-lights’), pretty pebbles and beautiful seed-heads. Even a vase of fresh leaves (decorated with angels, of course) is wonderful. Consider adding some pots of fresh-growing herbs, too.
Homemade Items
The best objects are often those you have made yourself. You don’t have to spend lots of money (or even any money at all). Wildflowers in jam jars, pebbles you’ve painted or decorated yourself, and angel artwork in a recycled frame can look just as wonderful. You can pick up ‘tumbled’ crystals (smooth crystals) from gift shops for under a pound, and you probably have candles of some sort at home already. Use what you already have and then search at yard sales, boot sales and charity shops to build your collection over time.
You can use your angel altar for many things, but mine is mainly just to lift my spirits each time I pass by. I also place candles on my display and light them before and after I meditate. You can sit next to your display to read your angel books, use your angel cards or write in your journal.
You can create special displays for different reasons. Use the candle colours suggested to enhance your intent. Here are a few suggestions for different types of angel altars:
Change the display to match each season of the year: ‘theme’ them for spring, summer, autumn and winter, bringing different types of flowers and different coloured cloths and accessories.
Choose a colour theme: red one week, then green the week after and blue the week after that!
Birthday and celebration displays: add celebration-themed items, awards or photographs of events, then add your angel-inspired objects.
Memorial displays: add a photograph of a lost loved one, include a personal item on the display and keep a white candle burning. (Do not leave the candle unattended.)
Manifestation display: gather objects together to represent something you want to bring into your life – a baby, a new job, a new relationship or a new house, for example!
Say a few words or write a few words on a piece of paper or card and add it to the display using a photo frame or clip. You can also roll your paper up like a scroll – secure it with an elastic band, ribbon or piece of garden twine. Remember to thank the angels for your request or, alternatively, ask the angels to celebrate the future event with you. Write your own messages. Here are a couple of examples:
‘Thank you, angels, for bringing a new baby into my life.’
‘I invite my angels to help celebrate the new spring.’
Remember to light your candle before you say your special words; you can then sit quietly while you contemplate your request, visualizing the outcome. Or you can meditate on the whole thing – try and spend at least 15 minutes a day, several days in a row if you can. Make the object of your desire stronger by focusing your intent. Blow out the candle after you finish.
Keep objects fresh and clean. Regularly change the water on your flowers, remove dead flowers, wash crystals – they sparkle better when they are clean. Make sure everything is dust-free. When you look at your display and it no longer excites you, then you know it’s time to take everything off and start again. Most of all, have fun – each display will reflect the personality of the person who created it!
Loved Ones as Angels
‘Friends are kisses blown to us by angels.’
Many years ago when I first began collecting angel stories, I realized that what many called ‘a story of angel intervention’ was actually a v
isit from a deceased loved one. I realized quite quickly that our loved ones on the other side long to reach out and help us, in much the same way that our angels do from heaven. Their care and interest in our lives reach out in the same way as if they had lived on.
Our deceased loved ones are still concerned about our lives, our interests, our activities, and they want to follow along with our life stories. They pay specific attention to our achievements: passing an important exam, getting through a driving test, being there as we receive our awards and certificates. Even though we can’t see them, it doesn’t mean they aren’t aware of our successes. Your loved ones are proud of you and cheer you on from heaven.
I’ve received many stories over the years of how deceased loved ones were seen to be peering over the cot of newborn babies, sitting at the bedside while living relatives were in hospital or calling out from the backseat of the car to warn of dangers on the road ahead.
Whether they are meant to ‘interfere’ in our lives is a whole other matter – they seem not to be bound by the same ‘non-interference’ rules as our angels and guides. I think it fair to say that if your late granny was the type to give her full and frank opinion on your unruly boyfriends when she was alive, then she’ll probably do the same now she’s dead. Just because she is heaven-side doesn’t mean she has suddenly turned into a saint! Our loved ones on the other side are able to glimpse a little more information than we are aware of on this side, though… taking all that into consideration, we still have to make up our own minds about whether to go on that second date or not – whatever Gran thinks!