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Protected by Angels Page 8


  One of the ways that our loved ones in heaven seem best able to help is in saving lives, sometimes even literally pulling us out of danger. I wonder if we are more likely to tune in to the voice of someone we’ve known and loved. Although the voice comes out of the blue, people certainly sit up and pay attention if their late granddad is yelling ‘STOP!’ at the top of his voice.

  ‘My two grandmothers, one I’ve never known, are always with me in case of emergency. I cried for their help when I had to save my mum’s life during a crisis one day. I shouted their names and yelled for them to assist me. Suddenly I became very calm and dialled for an ambulance and began life-saving techniques on her body. After 15 minutes the ambulance crew arrived and told me that because of my “cool” reaction, I’d saved my mum’s life! Thank you, my lovely grannies.’ – PAMELA


  The other thing that I have discovered is that the phenomenon of afterlife contact is becoming more and more common. When I first started my research (a long time ago!), these types of paranormal experiences were rarer. These days it is very common for at least one family member to have had some sort of afterlife contact.

  This is where you realize that ‘something’ truly is going on; our world is changing and we with it. As we become more evolved as souls in a human body, mystical experiences grow more and more to become part of our normal lives. Everyone who has had that one-off moment of bizarreness, that odd occasion when something didn’t fit normal reality, will know that life is not the same as it was. It’s only when presented with a long list of things that might trigger your memory that you might be reminded of something strange in your own life. Have any of the following happened to you?

  You knew who was on the phone or at the door even before you could see or hear the person.

  You feel that someone is staring at you and you turn round and realize you are correct.

  You get the urge to drive a different way to work, or leave home at a later time for no obvious reason, then discover you missed a road traffic accident that would have placed you at the scene had you left at your usual time.

  You get the urge to contact an old friend and at the same time discover they are trying to contact you.

  You think of someone you haven’t seen in years and then bump into them.

  You remember an old friend or think of a distant family member you haven’t spoken to in years and discover they’ve just passed away.

  You idly think about something or mull over a question and someone else in the room answers your unspoken question or begins randomly talking about the same thing (or the other way round).

  You dream of deceased loved ones but know even during the experience they are really dead.

  You call in unexpectedly at a friend’s house and discover they needed urgent help.

  You need some strange or unusual thing and someone offers you the exact thing you’ve been looking for.

  You ask for a sign that you are not alone and find white feathers or other signs.

  You know what someone is thinking before they say it.

  You have moments where reality is not quite what it should be.

  You get lots of déjà vu moments.

  You just know when something is going to happen.

  You get a gut feeling that someone you care about is in trouble… and they are.

  You have ‘memories’ of a time when you could fly or do other unusual things, or you just feel you are not from here!

  You have memories of other lifetimes or other places… or planets with different types of beings! (Yes, honestly!)


  Try and meditate every day if you can – just 10 or 15 minutes a day is great (more at the weekend or when you have more time). Try and meditate at the same time each day if you can – this is the ideal situation, but if you can’t make this sort of schedule work for you, at least have a go several times a week. There are lots of books and websites that show you how to do this in more detail so I won’t go into it here.


  Try and spend more time in contemplation, too. By this I mean sit and write in a journal, go for a walk or sit looking out over a sea, river or lake whenever you can. Maybe you can create a special place at home to do this? You can place a log or bench in the corner of your garden to sit on and surround it with scented plants, beautiful figurines (angels maybe), or decorate it with tea-lights in jars or outdoor ‘fairy lights’.

  You can do this even in a very small yard or perhaps place a seat against the wall at the back of your property and surround it with a few pots; anywhere that’s safe to sit with your eyes closed. Maybe you have only a balcony? This will work just as well or, failing that, place some scented flowers or herbs in a pot on your windowsill, hang up some angel pictures, light some incense or burn some aromatherapy oils in a special burner – light a candle and there you go, instant relaxation! Play some gentle and relaxing music in the background. Go and make your angel contemplation or meditation space today. If you have a little more room maybe you can create several special areas. You are limited only by your imagination. This would be the ideal space to read your angel books or use your angel affirmation cards.


  It’s amazing how ‘they’ can interact with us on this side of life. Our spirit friends are so active! This next story just blew me away. What do you think?

  ‘My godson Sidney died unexpectedly and tragically of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Two months after my godson passed away I was making something to put on his grave. It was a box of wood and straw, 60 × 40cm, with little handles. Inside I made a representation of the world with little children: kids from America, China, Europe, etc. After a week the box was finished. I used wood, straw, paper, everything that burns really well. I was really proud of my work and it was perfect to put on a little child’s grave.

  ‘On the last evening I put a varnish on it, so it could stand in the rain. I made it completely waterproof. As I was spraying, I didn’t pay attention to one of my candles, which stood on the same table, only a metre away. Of course the gas from the can set the whole thing on fire, and in just a second the whole box was alight. Can you imagine? The big flame was like a blowtorch and went right up to my ceiling; I saw the flames licking against the old dry wood ceiling!

  ‘The flames were twice as big as the box itself and as I screamed the dogs ran away in fear. All I could think to do was to take hold of one of the handles and throw the whole thing on the floor. We’d just bought the house, and everything was old and so dry so I quickly took hold of the other handle and dragged it (while still screaming) into the kitchen. The door was open so I continued dragging it until it was safely outside!

  ‘The flames now came up my hands and arm and I was terrified. When the fire department came, the fire was almost out. Everybody was looking in the sitting room but there was NO sign of a fire! The old wooden ceiling was clean… the carpet (which was so old) had no burn marks. On my table lay a tablecloth… it looked brand new! Nobody could explain it. I had no wounds on my hands or arm.

  ‘A few days later, I stood in front the grave and asked Sidney if he had something to do with it. It was a cloudy but bright day and, just as I asked, little raindrops fell on me. I began to laugh and asked, “Sidney, are you doing this?” and it immediately stopped raining again.’ – PAMELA

  Could Sidney have put out the fire in the house? Maybe he had a little help! I know for sure that Sidney will have realized that the special creation that Pamela had taken such care of had been crafted in his honour. I have no doubt that he had more than a little involvement in Pamela’s welfare. Thank goodness she was OK. Imagine what a tragedy this could have turned out to be.

  This next experience is fabulous, too. It shows that our loved ones (as usual) are not against a little humour. Many years ago there was a TV programme many of you will remember called This Is Your Life, in which celebrities wer
e brought back into contact with old friends, family and famous work colleagues they’d encountered over the years. Is this next dream visitation, a reference to this old show? Take a look for yourself!

  ‘I had a dream where I was at the top of the stairs at my grandma’s old house (she had passed away) and this man jumped out of the bedroom and said “This is your life”, and proceeded to introduce me to all my relatives who had passed over… it was so exciting. I could hear them walking up the stairs and then hugging them all and saying “You are just as I imagined you would look” (as some had passed over before I even knew them)… I remember it so well as it was not like a dream at all!’ – BECKY

  One of the signs we’ve talked about in the ‘Signs from Above’ chapter is our loved ones’ ability to flicker lights on and off from the other side. But what if they are the light? Light features in a lot of the stories my readers share with me. This was a particularly magical experience:

  ‘My grandfather passed away 16 years ago on 10 January. On 31 January he came to visit me (it was also his birthday). As he appeared, my bedroom was lit up with green lights. I could see my grandpa float down and he lay beside me. I’ve always believed the other green lights flying around my room were both our guardian angels.’ – OLIVIA

  Stella comes from the USA. She is a friend of mine on Facebook and used to have a website describing many of the experiences she’s had over the years. She sent me the link to her site and gave me permission to use these experiences here.

  ‘I was so excited about the many different things that happened before and after my dad’s death that I just had to share these with my friends and neighbors on both sides of my house. They were not as excited as I was. In fact, both neighbors started ignoring me for a while.

  ‘About six months after Dad died, my one neighbor came over and said, ”Stella, I want to apologize to you. When you told me things that happened after your dad died, I thought you were crazy until these things happened to me.” She and her husband had planned to go to Georgia one weekend to visit his mom, but something told both of them that they needed to go and visit her parents instead. That night many strange things happened and, the next day, her dad died. They were thankful for that last night they were able to spend with him as well as the events before and after that told them that her dad is fine and in good hands.

  ‘I was told in a dream in the middle of the night by my dad (who always called me “Stelle” with an “e” at the end instead of the “a” for “Stella”) that my husband Ken would lose his job but not to worry because there was a reason for it. I woke up the next day, remembered the dream and laughed. After all, when Ken got his job he was promised he could have it as long as he wanted it. I thought the dream was my imagination until a few days later when my husband came home in the afternoon and told me he had lost his job. I thought he was joking until I saw the personal items that he had brought home and the severance check. After this I remembered the dream and realized I was being prepared for what was to come.

  ‘A few months later my husband got a new job, and we knew we had to move. I saw a big two-story white house in a dream. In my dream I also saw a big church near the house. My husband came home from work and told me about a two-story house he had seen for sale. We looked at it and it was the same house I had seen in my dream a few days before. We got the house with no money. It became a rest home for the elderly and disabled and we became administrators of the rest home… with no previous experience. The house was paid for totally in just two years. We kept the rest home for a couple of years after that and then our neighbor, who worked for us, ended up buying the house and kept the rest home going for many more years after that.

  ‘Ken’s mom was in the nursing home. We and her other family took many pictures of her with her family in the nursing home and, when she died, we made a memorial DVD to show to people the night before her funeral.

  ‘Ken and I tried to get as many photos together as we could, with the intention of putting the pictures and accompanying music on the DVD. We went to bed tired and when I woke up someone told me that night (probably his mom) that we needed to add some younger photographs to go with the nursing home photos. I wanted to do a better job with it, but knew when we woke up the next morning there would be no time. We had to get ready for the funeral and then had a long drive afterward. We decided to quickly add some younger photographs and leave it at that; the spacing wasn’t how I’d have liked it and there was just no time to add music.

  ‘Later when we watched the DVD, we were stunned. The younger pictures of her we had added at the beginning were spaced beautifully and you could hear music playing in the background. When we got to the older photos of her in the nursing home, these just rushed past really quickly, almost as if they didn’t matter. Then near the end there were some more photos of her when she was younger, and again these were spaced right and not rushed through. We realized that we had been helped with this DVD, as there was no human way we could have done it this way in the time we had.

  ‘We told her granddaughters, who had taken care of her the last two years of her life, that their grandma was really good with computers. They looked at me like I was crazy until we explained about the DVD. I fully believe that she helped us with her memorial DVD and did it her way!’ – STELLA


  Everyone is looking for a little love and acknowledgement; love and acknowledge someone today! When those words remain unspoken we carry regret both on this life and the next. Often our loved ones come back to say the words they couldn’t say when they were on this side of life. ‘I love you, I am proud of you.’ Who doesn’t want to hear that? Of course we all do. Take my advice… do it now!

  A Guiding Hand

  ‘By confronting us with irreducible mysteries that stretch our daily vision to include infinity, nature opens an inviting and guiding path toward a spiritual life.’



  We are awakening to our true selves. Many of us have been previously incarnated on other planets and on other worlds or in different dimensions. Maybe you too are here to help the planet evolve. This hectic world of ours means that we forget our true identity. As we enter our human bodies at birth we have no idea who we really are – but this is changing.

  Thousands around the world are waking up to who they really are. We are spirits having a human experience – we are so much more than just our bodies. Do not be afraid. Earth is a wonderful planet (although admittedly we humans have made many mistakes with the Earth). We’ve already caused so much damage to our beautiful Eden, as well as sending damaging energies out into the universe. It’s time for this to change. It is changing right now, so choose to be a part of it.

  Our role is to love: love the planet, love the creatures that are here and love one another. Beings from other realms are already here (many of them still not aware who they are, but awaking to this knowledge day by day). Some are here just to hold positive energies to the planet; others are here to bring light to damaged parts of the world or to change those they meet, simply by encountering them physically. Maybe, like me, you are one of these beings? What is your earthly role? How do you help others? What is your role in life in this incarnation? Keep doing what you love, because the chances are, this is where your mission lies!


  We are so much more than flesh and blood. Humans are spirit residing in a human body. The part that is you is your spirit or soul, not your body! In several of my books I have written about out-of-body experiences. Eventually humans will evolve to the point where we don’t use our solid ‘heavy’ human bodies at all. Here is a story from one reader who had the opportunity of having an out-of-body experience (incidentally, I have had many of these types of experience myself).

  ‘I was listening to a relaxation CD (harp music) while lying on my bed. I felt myself relax very deeply and get very, very heavy, my eyes c
losed. The next thing I was aware of was a humming or buzzing sound in my mind, a bit like the noise of an untuned radio. My body seemed to vibrate very fast. I stayed calm and went with it.

  ‘Next I felt ever so light, and had the sensation I was floating. I could then see around me but I had not opened my eyes. I had floated upwards and turned to face my bedroom window. I was still aware of the music playing, but ever so softly as though it was far away. The next thing I recall is that I was moving out of my bedroom window and, as I did, I turned and saw myself lying on the bed, which was very strange but also felt calm and safe. I “floated” over the garden for what seemed like a second, then started to think, “I wonder if I can go see my mum and dad?” (They were on holiday at the time.) No sooner had I thought this than I was hovering over my mum and dad’s campervan and could see them sitting down inside.

  ‘Then I thought, “If this is a real out-of-body experience, all I have to do is try to wriggle my fingers and toes and I will be back in my body.” Well, no sooner had I thought this than, snap! I was back in my room lying on my bed. I was kicking myself for not making the most of the experience. The whole thing was surreal, but definitely not a dream. I have had lucid dreams before and this was not one of them. I was as aware of everything as I am in normal waking life, but everything felt so calm and relaxed and almost hazy. I only had to think of something and I was there before I had even finished the thought. I was about 26 years old at the time and regretted not exploring the phenomenon more before coming back into my body!’ – PETA